Calling all non-techies who need a website!
Are you someone who is dying to have your own online business, creating the ability to be income and location independent, but who is also hampered by getting a unique, but functioning, website together?
Do you dream of getting away from employers, 9-5, pathetic vacation allotments, income limitations, etc., but are intimidated by the thought of building your own website, unless you sign up forever with a monthly-paid site rental company?

Is having control over your website design and build important to you, so you are uncomfortable hiring a professional because of cost and dependence?
Then you are in the right place.
Getting a website built when you are not really technically inclined can be an exercise in frustration, fear, futility, and possibly endless expenditure.
Site-builder companies (Squarespace, Wix, Weebly, GoDaddy, etc.) are all well and good, but you must understand that you are held hostage by their policies and monthly fee. If you ever stop paying, or disagree with any of their terms, your website disappears. End of story.
That’s a risk you are forced to take, whether you are aware of it or not.

On the other hand, learning the technicalities of building a site yourself, when you’re not a techie and really don’t like it much, is a steep uphill battle. There is a lot to learn, and you just want to do what you love, right?
And hiring a professional is an awesome endeavor. You can try someone from a country afar if you want, but it’s risky. They may be cheap, but you get what you pay for (sometimes you don’t even get that). They may also take your money, and run away, and it’s not like you can take them to small claims court, is it?

Hiring a professional at home, on the other hand, can be expensive (depending on where you live). Web developers are expensive for a reason, because we spend a lot of time and effort keeping our skills up to date and relevant. There is a lot of research, personal financial investment, and testing involved.
That’s not a small (or inexpensive) task.
At the same time, these things make the cost of hiring a professional high. You have to pay for their time and talent, and then you’re still stuck with who’s going to maintain the site? At what additional cost?
There is another option.
Hi! I'm Heather
Here’s where I can help.
I am the owner and developer at Skompini, LLC. I’ve been building websites since 1999, professionally since 2007, and I’ve seen and learned a lot over the last 20 years. I’ve worked with all kinds of clients during this time: corporate clients, private clients, small businesses, individuals, creatives, coaches, artists, financial professionals, services professionals… all kinds. But by far the biggest complaint over the last two decades that I’ve heard from nearly all clients is the frustration with not being able to update and manage their sites themselves.I don’t blame them.

You have spoken! I have listened!
For the last ten years I’ve been researching and testing many options when it comes to building sites that clients can manage without knowing code.
Thankfully, over the years things have changed, and there is software available now that makes it possible for non-techies to create a stunning website, and not know any code (and not have to use a site-builder).
Having been in the thick of website development for so long, I know what is out there and what the capabilities are. It’s my responsibility to know!
[not yours]
What I do here at Websites Without Code is to provide full website templates, already built with most – if not all – of the components a starter site needs to be live out of the box.
I also provide training on how to brand the site for your business, and how to maintain the site going forward.
How awesome is that?
But why do you do it? Why do you care?
Because Freedom is my Movement.
and that
everyone should be able to support themselves financially doing just that.

Helping you FLY.
So what I’m doing here at Websites Without Code and my blog Fledging Online Biz Owners!, is I provide starter websites with corresponding tools, resources, education and ENCOURAGEMENT so that you can chart your own path to freedom by getting a business online, and you can finally be able to create the lifestyle that you so long for.
Everything that I talk about here on this site (and my blog), I have experienced myself, had success with myself, and/or use myself.
All I want to do is help you get the life you want.
The greatest gateway to a life of freedom is having a successful online business.

Why do I believe this?
Because when your source of income is location independent, your LIFE is location independent.
You can go anywhere and do anything – any time you want.
And nowadays, it's more important than ever to be
And while I have loved putting my clients’ businesses online for them, my dream has always been to empower others to build and manage their own sites (without needing to know code), so they don’t have to rely on expensive developer like me, or, to be limited by what a website builder provider is willing to offer for a given monthly price.
So naturally, you will see a lot of information and courses related to building websites and growing a successful online business here on websites without code!
Because this is my world.
I know it, and I want to share it. And then let’s have fun with it!
is supposed
to be